Drizzle Turso

Configure drizzle and turso with a single click


npx next-inject add drizzle-turso

Setup Turso

  1. Create an account with turso

  2. Install the Turso CLI by running this command:

# Will not work on Windows
curl -sSfL https://get.tur.so/install.sh | bash
For Windows Users

If you are on Windows, then you must install wsl, which is a Linux environment inside Windows.

To do this, run the following command inside a Command Prompt or Powershell terminal in Administrator Mode:

wsl --install

After running this command, boot up your Linux terminal and run the installation command specified above.

  1. Authenticate with the turso CLI by running the following command:
# I use the "--headless" option because I find that it's easier to authenticate,
# feel free to remove this option if you like.
turso auth signup --headless
  1. Create a new database using this command:
turso db create database_name
  1. Generate the required environment variables, including the Database URL and Auth Token:
# Get the "Database URL"
turso db list # copy the "URL" value for your database.
# Generate an "Auth Token"
turso db tokens create database_name
  1. Copy these variables into your .env.local file as follows:
# Turso
Bonus Features
Example 'users' drizzle schema

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